Augmented Reality
Extended Training Solutions

Create LMS — Create your own LMS for: Training - Engagement - & Retention


Augmented Reality


Reality, Vision and AI

Deliver and track complex learner journeys. Auto score capability/competence


AR -for process

Rely less on memory… Follow guided instructional journeys hands free

Learning Tracks
News Feeds
Pulse Checks
File Sharing
Document workflows
Instructor Led Assessments
Video 360
Rich Text

AR  for

Connect high value subject matter
experts to troops on the ground for
one to one guidance and assistance

CreateLMS is at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies into training programs, revolutionizing how organizations approach employee development. These immersive technologies offer a dynamic and interactive learning experience that traditional methods cannot match. AR and VR training with CreateLMS allows learners to engage in realistic simulations and environments, enhancing retention and understanding through practical, hands-on experience without the risks associated with real-world training.By incorporating AR and VR, CreateLMS provides a platform where complex concepts can be visualized and manipulated in a controlled, safe setting. For instance, technical training in fields such as manufacturing, healthcare, and aviation can be conducted using virtual simulations, allowing trainees to practice procedures and handle equipment without physical constraints. This leads to higher proficiency and confidence among employees before they transition to actual tasks.CreateLMS’s AR and VR capabilities are seamlessly integrated into its learning management system, ensuring that organizations can easily implement these technologies into their existing training frameworks. The platform supports a range of devices, from VR headsets to mobile AR applications, making it accessible and versatile for various training scenarios. Furthermore, advanced analytics provided by CreateLMS track learner progress and performance in these virtual environments, offering valuable insights to optimize training programs continuously.The adoption of AR and VR in training signifies CreateLMS’s commitment to leveraging innovative technologies to enhance learning experiences. By providing immersive, interactive, and highly effective training solutions, CreateLMS helps organizations stay ahead in a competitive landscape, ensuring their workforce is skilled, adaptable, and ready for the challenges of tomorrow. With CreateLMS, the future of training is here, blending advanced technology with comprehensive learning management to deliver unparalleled educational experiences.Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) training have emerged as powerful tools for transforming learning experiences across industries, and CreateLMS is at the forefront of integrating these technologies into its platform. AR and VR offer immersive and interactive environments that enable learners to engage with content in ways that traditional methods cannot replicate. By incorporating AR and VR into training programs, CreateLMS provides organizations with a cutting-edge solution that enhances engagement, improves retention, and drives real-world application of knowledge and skills.CreateLMS's AR and VR training modules offer learners the opportunity to interact with realistic simulations and scenarios that mirror their actual work environments. Whether it's practicing complex procedures in a virtual laboratory, conducting safety drills in a simulated factory setting, or exploring 3D models of machinery and equipment, learners can gain valuable hands-on experience without the constraints or risks associated with traditional training methods. This immersive approach not only increases engagement but also accelerates learning and boosts confidence, as learners can make mistakes and learn from them in a safe and controlled environment.Moreover, CreateLMS's AR and VR training modules are highly customizable to meet the specific needs of each organization and industry. From tailoring simulations to replicate specific job roles and tasks to incorporating company-specific procedures and protocols, CreateLMS ensures that training content is relevant, meaningful, and impactful. This level of customization enhances the effectiveness of training programs by making them more relatable and applicable to real-world scenarios, ultimately leading to better performance and outcomes.In addition to providing immersive experiences, CreateLMS's AR and VR training modules offer advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that allow organizations to track learner progress, assess performance, and measure the effectiveness of training initiatives. By collecting data on learner interactions, engagement levels, and completion rates, CreateLMS enables organizations to identify strengths and areas for improvement, optimize training content, and refine instructional strategies to maximize learning outcomes.CreateLMS's commitment to innovation and excellence extends beyond the development of AR and VR training modules. The platform is continuously evolving to incorporate the latest advancements in AR and VR technology, ensuring that organizations have access to state-of-the-art solutions that deliver superior learning experiences. Whether it's leveraging advancements in hardware such as VR headsets and AR glasses or integrating emerging technologies like spatial computing and haptic feedback, CreateLMS remains at the forefront of AR and VR training innovation.Furthermore, CreateLMS provides comprehensive support and resources to help organizations successfully implement and deploy AR and VR training programs. From initial consultation and needs assessment to content development and technical support, CreateLMS partners with organizations every step of the way to ensure a seamless and successful integration of AR and VR training into their learning initiatives. With CreateLMS, organizations can harness the power of AR and VR to revolutionize their training programs, empower their workforce, and drive sustainable success in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.


.1. - Streamline the learner journey

2. - Maximize knowledge retention

3. - Delight and excite learners

4. - Make impossible training


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and joyful
to use by all

Future proofed


Make everyone's self a reality

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We won’t be beaten on price

Contact Create LMS to discuss AR & VR training

Retain knowledge
Broadcast best practice
Onboard faster
Delight customers
Reduce errors
Train consistently
Train with ease
Share wisdom with ease
Enable best practice
Grow revenue
Reduce costs
Reduce wastage
Reduce errors
Increase profit
Learn from the frontline troops
Feedback is made easy
Engaged teams delight
I feel motivated
This is a great place to work
I feel LOVED
I make a difference
Reduce onboarding drag
Drive efficiency
I feel valued
I have the skills needed for my role
My boss values me
My manager helps me grow
I have this
I ❤️ my job
We are inclusive
We are respectful
When work is fun it’s not work

Take your business to the next level AR - VR - AI - Vision